Focus on language and theme.

(Answers to questions from 15 to 19).



In the passage there is a transformation of movement through time into movement through space. Can you find it?

The March Hare and the Hatter move into space to substitute the movement of time.



How is the alteration of time symbolized?

It is symbolized through the absurd treatment of the mechanism of the clock. The clock is dipped into tea and repaired with butter.



Is there an answer to the riddle?

No, there isn’t. The riddle meant to be heard but not answered can’t be logical admitted.



Apart from an alteration of logic, space, and time, the text also contains an alteration of Victorian manners and customs. Give examples.

Alice is rudely not invited to join the tea party, she is made also the object of personal remarks.



star = bat

what you are = what you’re at

So high = you fly

A diamond = a tea-tray.